The brutal treatment of migrants by the Polish military, police, and border guards has sparked widespread public outrage. Also in Poland, despite the fact that the majority of citizens support the Polish authorities’ barbaric reactions. The Catholic-fundamentalist government of Law and Justice has decided to use the military to persecute critics of the Polish uniformed services’ actions.
“The Commander of the Territorial Defense Forces (WOT) appointed a new Task Group called HONOR, whose task will be to defend the good name of the soldiers,” said colonel Marek Pietrzak, spokesman for the WOT, on a special press conference on Friday (November 19). The organization intends to respond to “irresponsible statements made by public figures or internet users,” he added.
The mission of Task Force HONOR, according to the communiqué distributed to the media, is to defend the good name of Polish soldiers. As stated, defamatory content “will be subject to immediate legal qualification of the act” and an appropriate application will be filed with the court.
“A rapid-legal-response group was formed by utilizing the potential of TDF soldiers with legal education and experience, as well as soldiers who are familiar with the internet. WOT soldiers will take care to protect the good name of their colleagues by using dual-use competence (legal profession and service to the Motherland),” reads the press release.
According to Polish media, the team includes, in addition to lawyers and law students, a former police officer, now a WOT soldier, who dealt with the prosecution of persons defaming the good name of the Police during his service. The Chief of the Legal Department of the WOT Command is in charge of coordinating the team’s work, and performing duties for the task force will be additionally rewarded.
According to the WOT spokesmen, the group’s primary responsibilities include not only responding to “clearly defamatory statements by public figures,” but also searching for content in social media and comments under articles or posts.
“The team of specialists will also deal with content reported by WOT soldiers or people who are deeply affected or offended by content about our formation that they found on the internet or in the media” — was also noted in the press release.
Furthermore, in light of the hybrid war, “the tool of which is the use of the internet to build hatred against uniformed services, including soldiers of the Territorial Defense Forces, and thus weaken morale and impose negative thought patterns on society,” (sic!) initiatives such as the one in question must be launched is the claim of the WOT.
It appears that the Polish madhouse is being taken to a whole new level. If you write something that a military or police officer finds upsetting, you may be assaulted by soldiers and dragged to court very soon. On the one hand, it’s extremely frightening because it lends a clearly dictatorial, maybe even fascist, flavor to the Law and Justice party’s ongoing attempt to take over the state of Poland. On the other hand, it’s rather amusing. Who knew the Polish police and military were such snowflakes?
“I’m offended” has clearly become the magic phrase not only for ‘woke’ vanguards but also for right-wing fanatics. What a splendid harmony!
It is worth commenting on the figure of the WOT spokesman in this context.
This man has given this formation a comical character since its inception. Consider for example the highly symbolic incident that occurred in January 2020. He then publicly challenged the administrator of the Polish Left coalition parliamentary club’s Twitter account to a duel (sic!).
It was in response to the following Twitter comment:
“The government spends more on useless Territorial Defense Forces —nationalist militiamen running around in the woods — than on intelligence and counterintelligence combined, i.e. on services that are really important for our security.”
This, according to colonel Pietrzak, was an insult not only to the Territorial Defense Forces, but also to the majesty of the Republic! He was so enraged that he didn’t notice that these words were a quote from one of the Left’s leaders, Włodzimierz Czarzasty, who said them during a conversation on one of the television programs. As a result, he went after the account’s administrator.
“Administrator of the account of the Left! I dare you to a duel! Join the TDF and see if it’s true what you were told to write! Break through the glass ceiling and come out of the information bubble! Look out the window to find out who we really are!”
During the subsequent discussion, he made it clear that he didn’t mean a rhetorical clash, which would still be understandable, but rather a real duel, as seen in aristocratic times, in which two men faced off with a saber or a pistol.
This clearly infantile reaction on the part of a Polish army officer betrays the mentality of an early teenager running around with a water pistol and playing war with his friends, stamping his feet angrily because someone had just told him he was stupid, and attests to the mental and cultural level of the people who make up this formation.
How offensive was this?
Photo: (source: YouTube)
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