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Trump seems to be out, so Vladimir Putin can be restored as the #1 problem of humanity. Will Biden provide a welcome sense of relief for America and the world? Will there be a return to the Paris Agreement, or perhaps to the Iranian ‘nuclear deal’? Is normalization of relations with China possible? Will there be any such intentions on the part of the future Biden/Harris administration? Certainly, the aggressive and bellicose stance against the Russians will remain in place. However, perhaps there will be a chance to continue the IRNF Treaty? Certainly, there will be no moves toward a single-payer universal healthcare system. Certainly, the big sharks on Wall St. can rest assured that nothing is going to fundamentally change for them. The same goes for the military-industrial complex. No question that the systemic racism — particularly the traditional police killings of people of colour — will remain in place. The very guy who gave it all a legal framework back in 1994 will soon be sworn in as the President of the United States. It definitely is good news that Trump has lost, but it is — just as definitely — bad news that Biden won. What is he offering? What does he stand for, other than the status quo? How is his leadership supposed to solve any of the real problems that the American nation and society is facing?
All discuss this, and much more, was discussed with the special guest Youri Smouter, presenter of the popular podcast 1+1, left-wing analyst, media critic, NGO critic, YouTube broadcaster, and left-wing history buff.

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