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Post-Keynesianism: the principles

Like Marxist or mainstream economics, Keynesian economics has several strands.  There is Keynesian economics seen within the parameters of general equilibrium economics, where changes in income and expenditure, consumption and investment, interest rates and employment will tend...


Then in 1923, a young Adolf Hitler staged his own coup d’état that also failed. Ten years later, Hitler came into power with the help of Germany's conservatives via parliament. Around that time, some of...

News in the 21st Century

Perhaps more than news itself, the way we receive news has changed much in recent decades. News comes fast, even appearing in unconnected news-items and flashy headlines via Twitter. For future decades, the news we...

Paris Commune 150

Today is the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Paris Commune.  The Commune (Council) was formed as result of what should be considered the first uprising and revolution led by the working class in...

Crisis of the left

There are very few people on the Left who are ready to accept the fact that the Left movement has been facing a crisis of ideology since the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and Social...

Richard Wolff is on the Barricades!

Richard Wolff will be remembered as the professor who made economics interesting for the public again! For decades the economy was a simple tool to discipline the poor, the working class, the migrants, and the...

The Risk of Capitalism

For those on the receiving end, capitalism comes with many risks. Yet, assessing these risks is a tricky business. Nonetheless, British insurer Lloyd’s Register has done just that. Its 2020 World Risk Poll asked 150,000...