A march entitled “No Nazis on our streets” was held for another year in Sofia. Anarchist and other left-wing organizations from the country gathered in the center of the capital and held a joint anti-fascist march, which passed by the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly (on Maria Luisa Blvd.), ending in front of the Court House. Anti-fascists from abroad usually join the march, but this year, due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, guests from Greece and other countries were not present.
“Let’s be people, not Nazis”, “No tolerance for hatred” and other slogans were raised by several dozen participants. The march took place hours before the planned traditional Lukovmarsh march, which has been held for a number of years in Sofia in praise of the leader of the pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic Union of the Bulgarian National Legions, Hristo Lukov. On the day of the Lukovmarch, as the resistance against it was growing, the mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova banned it. It was banned officially also in 2020. However in both cases it takes form under some unofficial form, with the supporters of Hristo Lukov laying down flowers before his house.
“Fascism is not an opinion, but a crime” was again one of the main chants during the procession, which started in the garden next to the Central Department Store and passed through several streets of the capital despite the sub-zero temperatures.
The organizers were adamant that hatred is not a value, that we all deserve freedom and a dignified life without fear, that misanthropic ideologies have no place in our time, and that the normalization of oppression and violence (whether by institutions or individuals) must be stopped. “Never again fascism!”, Their appeal ends.
The main organizer of the anti-fascist march is Antifa Bulgaria. This year’s march was attended by representatives of the BSP, including MEP Petar Vitanov, MP Krum Zarkov, former municipal councilor and chairman of the General Assembly of the Bulgarian Anti-Fascist Union Boris Tsvetkov and others.
Photo: The antifascist march started from the garden next to the mosque (source: The Barricade)
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