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How to be a German neo-Nazi girl

This is the story of a German girl who joined a völkisch-Aryan-Aryan legion of Neo-Nazis. This is her report after exit from Germany’s present day neo-Nazi scene. At the tender age of just thirteen, Irma...

Right-Wing Attacks on Germany’s Press

In recent months attacks on press freedom have been on the rise throughout Germany. There has also been a sharp increase in violence against journalists. Assaults on the media in general have intensified massively in...

Who was Rosa Luxemburg?

While family has always played a significant role in research on Marx, Engels and Lenin, we knew relatively little about the Luxemburg (or, more accurately, Luxenburg) family until a recently published account by Holger Politt...

Anti-Semitism in Saxony – Three Times per Week

Antisemitic* incidents are increasing in the far eastern German state of Saxony known to be stronghold of contemporary German Neo-Nazism., says the Berlin-based Report Antisemitism RIAS – a foundation that monitors antisemitism throughout Germany. Uwe...

Human Rights and Germany’s New Supply Chain Law

In February 2021, Germany’s main business daily, The Handelsblatt, reported that Germany’s grand coalition, consisting for the social-democratic SPD and Angela Merkel’s conservative CDU –reached an agreement on the introduction of a new Supply Chain...

Master of Disaster

Nestled in the northern Hanseatic port city of Bremen, Jacobs University is one of Germany’s few private tertiary institutions Jacobs University In a country dominated by 107 state-run universities., it is soon to join a...

Saxony’s New Nazis

Located in Germany’s far eastern corner bordering on the Czech Republic and Poland lies the state of Saxony. Today the state has about four million people down from five million in 1990. To many Germans,...