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The Romanian Fascist Feeling

We cannot understand the past without understanding our present. This apparently paradoxical statement tries to deal with the revivement of various and multifarious forms of fascism today. In contemporary Romania, more than thirty years after...

Germany’s new neo-Nazis: the Reichsbürger

Only a few weeks ago, a Reichsbürger in Germany shot a police officer with a crossbow during a house’s search in a remote town called Linden, in the north of Hessen. The Reichsbürger is accused of attempted manslaughter...

Elite Cooperation

Perhaps ever since C. Wright Mills, we know the elite recognizes one another. It does so from the self-assigned but also lofty position they have been allowed to occupy in society. In general, the elite accepts...

The politics of France’s yellow vests

In 2018, the new social movement of the Yellow Vests or Gilets Janues emerged in France as a populist grassroots protests. It began on 17th November 2018 and ended 1st May 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting COVID-19...

Authoritarian populism and democracy

One of the key activities of authoritarian populism is to present the democratic system as, a system of lies incapable of representing the true will of the people. In the world of the authoritarian populists,...