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Porn workers as labor force

Today, Sylvester “Stallion’s” net value is about $400 million. But that was not always the case. In 1970, the appropriately named “Stallion” appeared in an American “soft-core pornography romance film” (Wikipedia) called The Party at Kitty...

The politics of France’s yellow vests

In 2018, the new social movement of the Yellow Vests or Gilets Janues emerged in France as a populist grassroots protests. It began on 17th November 2018 and ended 1st May 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting COVID-19...

American politics and the world

On this episode of “On the Barricades” we continue our discussion with our frequent guest Paul Jay, Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster and filmmaker back on the program. The founder and host of the Analysis.News responds to...

Understanding US foreign policy w/ Paul Jay

On this edition of “On the Barricades” we welcome back Paul Jay - the Canadian-American journalist, broadcaster, and filmmaker, the host of Analysis.News. With Paul we discuss the nature of the American empire, and how...