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Covid-19 and global working conditions

By June 2021, the world of work had changed because of the Coronavirus pandemic. We have seen about 180 million Coronavirus cases and almost four million deaths. The Coronavirus pandemic has not only caused death and misery...

The global COVID-19 inequality virus

By early June 2021, the world was about one and a half years into the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic had not only a tragic human cost when millions of lives were lost, but it...

The good-doing elite

As the new elite tells us, it is benevolent, wants to do good, wants to save the plant, assist the poor, do something for the environment, etc. However, the underlying facts that make the elite the elite...

An ordinary german neo-nazi death squad man

The biography of German Neo-Nazi death-squad leader Franco Albrecht – known in the German press only as Franco A – begins in the city of Offenbach in 1989. Franco Albrecht’s mother, a local woman, had married an...