Boyan Stanislavski | Боян Станиславски is the initiator and organizer of the project. He is a Bulgarian and Polish activist, journalist, editor, publisher and translator. In the late `90s he was active in the Polish left and later in the labour movement, particularly the biggest Polish labour confederation — The All-Poland Trade Union Alliance (OPZZ). Until 2012 editor-in-chief of its weekly magazine. Contributor at Baricada.org and Strajk.eu, Polish correspondent for Bulgarian National Radio.
Maria Cernat graduated in 2001 at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Science, University of Bucharest. She also graduated the Faculty of Philosophy in 2004 at University of Bucharest. In 2002 she got an M.A. in Communication Science at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Science. In 2008 she got her PhD in analytical philosophy at the University of Bucharest with a thesis examining the ontological status of events. She was an associate professor for several years at the University of Bucharest teaching Media Ethics and Public Relations Management. She is currently Lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Sciences and International Relations at Titu Maiorescu University. She is also an author of several academic and journalistic articles concerning critical theory, political communication, media ethics, academic ethics and communication science.
Vladimir Mitev | Владимир Митев is a Bulgarian-Romanian journalist based in Rousse, a town which is right on the border of those two countries. He is the editor-in-chief of the Romanian website BARICADA Romania, which initially started as a Romanian language version of the Bulgarian portal of the same name. He focuses on international politics. He worked for the Bulgarian weekly Tema until its closure in 2015. He founded the bilingual Romanian-Bulgarian blog The Bridge of Friendship. His articles and translations have been published by the BGNES agency, the magazines A-specto and Economy, the blog Solidary Bulgaria and others. He has also been published in the Romanian magazines Decât o Revista and Q Magazine, and in the Romanian left-wing portal Critic Atac.
Nikolay Draganov | Николай Драганов is a Bulgarian sociologist and left-wing journalist who has worked for the BGNES news agency and as a parliamentary reporter for the TV channel BiTelevision, where he reported on the works of the 42nd and 43rd National Assembly. He is also a co-producer of the documentary series The Invisible People about the massive poverty and social exclusion in Bulgaria. He is one of the editors at Baricada.org – the leading left media in Bulgaria.
Stoyan Gogov | Стоян Гогов is an editor and translator, who regularly contributes to our site. He has been interested in the radical left for more than 10 years. He is active in the Bulgarian left circles.
Bogdan Gradinaru is a Romanian expat living in Munich, Germany. He is a member of DiEM25 Germany and DiEM25 Romania and occasionally writes for DiEM25 official web site, reporting and having a special interest in Eastern Europe and Balkan areas. He is also a member of a thematic DiEM25 discussions group about technology democratization and interested in digital colonialismus and economic dependency affiliations.
Maciej Wiśniowski is a longstanding Polish investigative journalist and political commentator in Poland. He began his career in the `80s contributing to many youth media outlets. At the beginning of the `90s he began working for one the most popular weekly papers in Poland, called NIE (No). He has also produced and directed many documentary movies and translated several books. In 2015 he set up the successful left-wing platform, Strajk.eu, of which he is the editor-in-chief.
Philip Bourov | Филип Буров is a Bulgarian journalist specializing in international relations, conflicts, macroeconomics and finance. He has worked for a number of Bulgarian mainstream media outlets including Capital Daily newspaper. He is part of the editorial board of the left-wing platform Baricada.org and a PhD student at Sofia University.
Ivaylo Atanasov | Ивайло Атанасов is a Bulgarian journalist, political analyst and teacher. He is one of the editors of the Baricada.org website. His research interests are focused on classical liberalism and political economy, French and German materialism, theory and history of science, etc. He is working on a dissertation exploring the origins of the power of English philosophers since the dawn of capitalism. He is a professional runner who has won a number of prestigious awards.
Georgi Hristov | Георги Христов is a Bulgarian journalist, activist and translator. Interested in social phenomena and processes, international politics, trade and economic issues. Manages the anti-mainstream website Saprotiva (Resistance). Former national co-ordinator of the STOP TTIP European Citizens’ Initiative.
Raia Apostolova | Рая Апостолова is a Bulgarian sociologist and anthropologist, who studies migration, division of labour, politicaleconomic dichotomy, methodological liberalism and state socialism. She has studied at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, the Metropolitan State University, Denver and Central European University, obtaining degrees in Economy of Labour, Sociology and Social Anthropology.
Momchil Hristov | Момчил Христов is assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, Sofia University. He has a PhD degree in Sociology from the Sofia University. He teaches and researches domains such as: sociology of the city, historical sociology of socialism, political sociology, social theory, contemporary philosophy.
Piotr Kuligowski is a Polish historian, PhD student at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. He deals mainly with the history of ideas, mass social movements, revolutionary processes in society and theories of modernization. A regular contributor to the Polish left platform Strajk.eu and the Polish Marxist academic quarterly magazine Praktyka Teoretyczna.
Lacko Solymár is a Hungarian anarchist. He studied international economics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and became engaged with various left initiatives. He was one of the founders of The First Republic Party. He works as a civil servant and adviser in his local municipality’s economic board. He claims he was predestined to become a left wing activist by birth – he was born on the 1st of May.
Piotr Nowak is a Polish journalist, anticlerical activist and famous happener. He is a regular contributor to Strajk.eu and “Faktycznie” weekly magazine. Among his biggest achievements are popularization of aggressive anti-Catholic and anti-nationalist leitmotivs and preventing a leading Polish businessman from obtaining a PhD degree.
Paweł Jaworski is a Polish socialist activist and journalist. He has been on the radical left for over a decade. He was an editor of Strajk.eu which is currently the largest left-wing media platform in Poland.