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On this episode of the Barricade’s Podcast (18 October 2020), Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski discuss the approach of the left towards measures taken by various governments to contain the pandemic as the second wave hits Eastern Europe. Governments all around the world were warned that a second wave was expected in early fall. Yet most countries, particularly in Eastern Europe, have done absolutely nothing to strengthen the existing healthcare infrastructure, let alone stockpile ventilators or train new medical staff.
The only political benefits are for the right-wing hardliners who are using this opportunity to spread weird and rather dangerous conspiracy theories, while the more mainstream right introduces all kinds of dictatorial measures and bans, some of which are rather strange. But what about the left? Why are they so inactive? Are we already so weak that the best we can do is to behave like a political sanitary commando which will lecture people that they should wear a mask? If the left can’t act aggressively now, then when will be the right moment? There hasn’t been one for the last 30 years in Eastern Europe and if we keep waiting there never will be.
Watch the entire conversation on our YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe to and like the video. This will help us make our analysis more popular, and more people will have the chance to get familiar with the political, social and economic problems in Eastern Europe.

 Photo: Pixabay, CC0
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