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We have a funny party here called Save Romania Union. They behave as if someone imported them straight from 1995! Their obsession with “managers”, “experts” and the general belief that quality of politics depends exclusively on the CVs of the politicians is hilarious. Only those who studied at Western universities and worked in the private sector are worthy of attention!
Except for this sectarian managerialism, Save Romania Union is also preaching the messianic idea of bringing “the right people” and “morals” into politics. They are unstoppable in their constant criticism of the other parties, which are all corrupt and evil unlike the saviors from the saving union who are pretty, smart and moral. Here’s an example of that.
There’s a city in Transylvania called Brașov, a place surely deserving the most expert and moral leader, like one Allen Coliban from Save Romania Union who was elected a mayor recently. He was not educated in the West, yet he graduated from the prestigious Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science at the Technical University of Bucharest. Whoa! Computer science, IT, modern, cool, nice, western, so impressive!
Well, the problem is that it never happened. Not only did Coliban never actually finish his studies, but he was expelled!
What is really astonishing is not so much that the guy lied, but the general silence. Had it been a social-democrat that lied, oh, the clangor would have risen to the very heavens! We would have been bombarded 24/7 with comments and “analyses” on the corrupt nature of these people. But not now! Now, when this happens with the obsessively technocratic, absurdly neoliberal Union Save Romania, it’s OK.
Let this be a reminder of how deeply rotten contemporary journalism is! Oh, and the idea that only the good and the pure can become leaders is pretty fascistic, really. But of course, in Romania, nobody notices such nuances, because the Romanian intelligentsia capitulated long ago. So we get to see this, yet another pathetic expression of self-colonized minds in their mad quest for validation from the West and big business.
Photo: Allen Colliban (source: Facebook)
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