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transform! yearbook 2021 is the seventh of an annual series reporting on and analysing European and world political and social developments. The current issue looks at capitalism’s impact on the world ecosystem through global warming and the current pandemic and the concomitant economic crisis, with their effects on logistics and borders, the structure of work, healthcare systems, European integration, geopolitical power relations, and gender relations and the economic status of women – but at the same time the breaches in neoliberal hegemony and the growth of system-critical thinking, with new labour-organising approaches and even a new socialist sensibility in the US.

This year’s launch celebrates not only the publication of the 2021 issue of the transform! yearbook, but also the beginning of its online publication in digital form.

John Bellamy Foster is the editor of Monthly Review, one of the world’s leading figures in Marxian ecological theory and author of numerous books including The Return of Nature: Socialism and EcologyThe Vulnerable Planet, Marx’s Ecology, Ecology Against Capitalism, The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace With the Planet, and The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism, along with several co-authored volumes.

Wednesday, 13 October 2021
19:00-20:00 CET (10:00-11:00 PDT)
via Zoom, registration 


Dagmar Švendová, transform! yearbook Editorial Board Member

Presentation of transform! yearbook 2021
Haris Golemis, transform! yearbook Chief Editor and Strategic Advisor to the Board of transform! europe

Discussion with John Bellamy Foster
conducted by Kimon Markatos, member of the transform! yearbook Editorial Board


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